We're off to Mauritius soon for my brothers wedding and I'm very excited!! Thought I'd make them a tropical 'beach' wedding towel cake - I love the colours!! but then pink is my fave colour in case you hadn't noticed from my blog LOL!! Hope they like it - off to see them this evening to 'present' it!!
Ingredients are:
2 'Just Married' Beach Towels - 1 pink & 1 black
2 Flannels - 1 pink & 1 black
2 pairs of 'Just Married' flip flops - 1 pink diamante pair & 1 black pair - they both 'imprint' the words 'Just Married' in the sand!!
1 bottle of Moet Pink champagne
1 'Marital Bliss' Chocolate bar
Heart foil wrapped chocolates
Flowers, ribbons, personalised tag & cake board
& here is a view of the back & finally wrapped!!